Digging On "Koko The Clown" Clips From 1st Special Forces Command Video
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I did some further digging on the video that you might find interesting. Also did you see that the TVs swapped? The new one doesn't work. It only seems to work as burns because of a projector. It's an illusion.
Here is the video:
I just got up after burning the midnight oil last night. I had a bed-thought last night about the video. I think a lot of the scenes in the video are references to historical psyops.
Just off the top of my head there's the Chernobyl forest and the inflatable "tanks" from a WWII psyop:
Ho Lee Fook! Look what popped up when I "Braved" the WWII tanks:
It's the same ghost crest that's hanging on the bush in the Chernobyl forest!
Also, the floating "Orphelia" = something that is "dead in the water."
Now, down the rabbit hole on the Ghost Army! Woo hoo!
lonewulf just hit the jackpot! LOOK at the GHOST ARMY crest. It's right out of the video.
The video is talking about the Ghost army.
So they are distinguishing between spooks (CIA) and Ghosts (patriots).
I knew it had to be the Chernobyl Forest because of that Geiger counter sounds that you hear when the forest is first shown. However, I didn't know about the ghost army.
Thanks Wulf! You've sent me down another big rabbit hole as well. And that also explains 23. I think Decode blog didn't quite get the significance. 23 = ghost/ forces out.
BTW, if you look at the very beginning of the Ghost video, on the left of the screen is the word "Go." Is this telling us that the mission is a "go"?
If you're having a hard time making this out, go to the Koko the Clown video, which shows it more clearly.
Yes! I noticed that as well. Koko appears at exactly 0:17 and we see "GO" behind him.
You said the train station is a German station? The 1st TV is a German brand (Galaxy Pulsar 122). Those 122 comms again!
Also look at this Q post on 1/22/2020:
It is the last post Q ever made on January 22nd.
Look at the Stadtmitte station platform. It's black and white like a chess board.
Also it's an underground station. In the event of an attack, don't underground act like bunkers?
Bunker. Forest.
Another anon noticed the watch in the video is at 7:44 and the clock at the station is 7:46. In between that time is 7:45
I think the "recruiting" video was hiding a video that was giving a comm (not for us). A "go" command for some kind of operation.