Keep using Linux. The "inventors" of Linux created shitty code and the open source developers have vastly improved on it at every level over the years. I doubt there is much code left that the "inventors" of Linux wrote. By the way, Linux is just a copy cat UNIX. UNIX was around for decades before.
Some interesting names:
Linus Torvalds, the inventor of Linux, is on that list. 1999 GLT
Mark Shuttleworth, Founder of Ubuntu Linux, 2003 GLT
Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, 2007 YGL
Mehmet Oz, "Dr. Oz show", 2000 GLT
Leonardo Di Caprio, actor, 2008 YGL
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, 2009 YGL
Steve Ballmer, old Microsoft CEO, 1995 YGL
Larry Page, Co-founder Google, 2002 GLT
Anderson Cooper, CNN anchor, 2008 YGL
This is a bit sad for me, I have been running Linux since the 90s....
Keep using Linux. The "inventors" of Linux created shitty code and the open source developers have vastly improved on it at every level over the years. I doubt there is much code left that the "inventors" of Linux wrote. By the way, Linux is just a copy cat UNIX. UNIX was around for decades before.
OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and DragonFlyBSD are wonderful alternatives to Linux too. Not sure how woke/compromised they are.