Holy Spirit, please lead my hand.
Joshua 19
Today Father, i ask that in our growth in You that you fill us with the Holy Spirit unto emotional temperance. Accidents happen, and I'm too often known for presuming them to be intentional before allowing council to judge the matter with wisdom instead of with reactions.
We repent of our quickness to judge. May we vbe more prudent and give space and time to yield our emotions up and to make room for accidents among others and to wise council before emotionally responding to things others do.
As Jesus even said; forgive them, Father, they know not what they do.
Let us consider this in light of those in the cabal and in this upper echelon of powers that be. We may not know the full extent of what led them to what they became; Hod forbid we had been in their place, who's to say we would not have made the same decisions.
Let us remember that grace in our lives today.
Please bless this bread, the body of Jesus Christ, given for us. May we eat it knowing our repentant need of it.
Please bless this wine, the blood of the new covenant of Jesus Christ. Shed for that remission of sins.
May the Holy Ghost renew us into loving consideration of our enemies and friends and family alike.
Mistakes do happen, even by our own hands. So let us be gracious this mothers day. Just as You were to us, unreservedly. In Jesus name, amen
Very beautiful Communion message. God bless and hope your mother has a very Happy Mother's Day. Also am still praying for those who are against us in our nation and pray they realize the lies they are telling. I pray they come to repentance and Wake Up to tell the others who may not realize the lies they are telling in order to follow Satan's take over of our world. Thanks again for a beautiful message. Enjoy your weekend and keep up the good news of God's word. Your sister in Christ Mary
Happy mothers day and God bless you, sister, Mary. May the Holy Spirit give you a blessed and joyous time with your beloved family. In Jesus name amen.
Thank you my friend.