posted ago by Nightcereus ago by Nightcereus +31 / -0


Pro-choice is a flawed argument.

My body, my choice is a flawed argument.

I am strongly pro-choice.


The base facts.

There are four parties involved in this argument.

  1. Mother.

  2. Father.

  3. Offspring.

  4. Outside agency.

And the question is, does an outside agency have the right to make a choice for me?



The argument is that the law should have no right to inhibit a person's choice in what they do with their own body.

And, that the law should have no right to impose their will on the individual.

Therefore, the law, or any other governing body, entity, agency or individual should not be allowed to make a choice for anyone but themselves.

Following this line of reason leads to the point that I should not be able to make a choice for you.

I do not get to tell you what to do.

Nor do I get to tell any party in the relationship what to do.



My body, my choice.

I choose to be born.

If a mother-to-be makes that choice for me they are now acting as an outside agency.

And I am being denied my right to choose.

The fact that I have no auditory voice is inconsequential.

Nobody ever asks anyway.

My body, my choice, and I choose to be born.

~ ~ ~

Life begins at decision...

"Gee Honey, should we start a family..?"

It worked for me...

~ ~ ~

Thank you for reading.
