I think SJWs have been on a mission to infiltrate all our institutions both public and private. For a corporation, they first get into Human Resources where they can filter resumes and throw away the ones that aren't fellow travelers. Management never even sees the resumes of other people. When the company goes under, all those newly unemployed SJWs just contact their buddies who have infiltrated other companies. It is like Dutch Elm Disease.
And I assume they've been doing the same thing everywhere.
I think SJWs have been on a mission to infiltrate all our institutions both public and private. For a corporation, they first get into Human Resources where they can filter resumes and throw away the ones that aren't fellow travelers. Management never even sees the resumes of other people. When the company goes under, all those newly unemployed SJWs just contact their buddies who have infiltrated other companies. It is like Dutch Elm Disease.
And I assume they've been doing the same thing everywhere.