Why, of all times, is the legality of abortion being threatened now? We know this to be a bastion of satanic rituals (something something Molech, which has been around since biblical times, frens!!!), so the globalists in Washington would have been able to do something about sustaining its legal existence, right?
Why have many prominent and high-profile members of the cabal had “COVID” all in succession, then proceed to parrot essentially the same tweet about being vaccinated and urging others to do the same?
Most importantly, why haven’t they been able to do anything to Trump? Even a missile fired at Air Force One wasn’t enough to kill him (there’s no way that image could have been anything other than a submarine-launched missile), much less incriminate him with these phony investigations.
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The things you just listed are good but by no means do they say to us we are winning. To date there has not been a single high profile arrest even though the crimes are rampant among all the elite. There has not been one single arrest of anyone involved in the covid 19 vaccination poisoning or even those who released the virus, NOT ONE. Yet here we still are seeing vaccination clinics and them convincing people to get vaxxed or boosted even though it is all a crime it goes on and on and on. Not only is it still going on but everyone knowing the vaccines kill and they are still allowing them to give it to all babies and children. That is not winning. You will say timing is everything but yes I agree and if they dont start arresting soon there will be no people left to worry about and the elite have won. The excuse they have had from the start is it is done this way to avoid all out slaughter on the street but we are going to have that anyway. Do you not think starving people will take to the streets and kill anyone for food? I certainly think that. The time is now to do something not wait until there is nothing left to fight for. In I believe Kazakstan they were pulling politicians out of their office and killing them also the police. Even though I honestly do not condone any violence I think that is what we are coming down too if they dont start arresting these people. Its not like we have not waited it has been over 5 years now since Trump came into office. There is absolutely no excuse what so ever to not have at least arrested some of them. Hillary is over 80 years old what are we waiting for, for her to die of old age. All these people are not just mild criminals they are huge criminals killing children yet they are allowed to live their entire lives in absolute luxury while the rest of the world suffers. Maybe we should not be sitting here waiting for the white hats maybe we should take the initiative and make them pay.
This so much! We really should start taking the initiative, trusting "The Plan" and stuff like that has led us to this situation in the first place. There are many smart people in this community, I am sure we can come up with something to expose everything on a global scale and to show the masses what really has been going on behind the scenes all this time.