I'm not an autist and I'm not great at digging, but all this got me thinking. I'm on the GME daily thread in r/superstonk and the comments are making me wonder... With this huge spike (~30%) followed by 4 trading halts even with minimal daily volume, people are quite obviously livid - especially after the past 2 weeks of absolute horror. With the brazen market manipulation, could this be a part of what Q was talking about when they said that class action lawsuits were very effective?
Considering how many people have had their life savings destroyed due to this tomfoolery, would there be legal standing for a class action lawsuit against these crooked establishments because of market manipulation?
the trading halts are suspiciously similar to election vote counting halts.
the machines come back on with a new algorithm to kill the buying pressure
there isn't a good reason in the day & age of computer systems managing all the trades to halt the stock. if buyers and sellers don't match up, then the trade shouldn't go through....it's that simple.