"It is our purpose in writing these truths to set forth in awe and simplicity the things the Spirit is saying unto the Lord’s elect in this significant hour. As we approach the subject presented in the scene described in the passage above, let us remember, these things God did “signify by His angel unto His servant John” (Rev. 1:1). Signify — tell by signs, communicate by symbols. May God ever give us understanding by His Spirit to discern what the signs mean!"
"The word “defiled” in our text determines the meaning of the passage. It is the Greek word moluno meaning “to soil” or “defile,” thus denoting not a proper union with one’s wife, but an illicit intercourse or fornication with others resulting in impurity or unchastity of life. This has no reference to literal, natural, fleshly things. It does not indicate that the 144,000 is exclusively made up of “males” and in no way refers to physical celibacy. Celibacy is not the subject or virtue in this description, but purity, freedom from contamination by an improper conduct. Nor does the fact that they are all “virgins” suggest that they are all women! Again, these are all symbols of spiritual realities! The inspired apostle spoke of this when he wrote, “I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity (singleness) that is in Christ” (II Cor. 11:2-3). With a pure heart these 144,000 worship God and follow the Lamb, thus “they are virgins.”
The long study in the link: https://www.godfire.net/eby/rev-162.html
This is 'your' interpretation of it.
It's part of a very large study that goes through the whole book of Revelation, from an idealist(spiritual) interpretation. The link is one essay of 242. It's like 2 decades of work from Preston Eby.
Here's the index: https://www.godfire.net/eby/
"We must keep in mind that fornication and adultery in scripture are the symbols of spiritual impurity. In that sense Esau is called a fornicator, not because he had relationships with women, but because he despised God’s covenant and joined himself with his fleshly desire instead. In the same sense Israel in the Old Testament is very often pictured as an adulterous woman, even a harlot, whoring after other gods and departing from the worship and service of Yahweh, their covenant God. In like manner, then, these one hundred and forty-four thousand have not become defiled. All the church systems of man have been committing fornication in the spiritual sense. All have gone awhoring after the beast. All have been defiled by the spirit, ways, and methods of the world. But the 144,000 have remained faithful to their Lord. They have followed hard after the Lamb. They have kept themselves unto Him and unto Him alone. They have not been stained by the defilement of the carnal systems, doctrines, and practices of religion. They are “without blemish”!
"The word “defiled” in our text determines the meaning of the passage. It is the Greek word moluno meaning “to soil” or “defile,” thus denoting not a proper union with one’s wife, but an illicit intercourse or fornication with others resulting in impurity or unchastity of life.
Revelation 22:18 KJV For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
"Ray Prinzing commented on this thought with these words of wisdom, “Singleness — ‘He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.’ If, in any way, we turn from that singleness, and yield our mind and spirit to the spirit of the world, we have defiled ourselves. Works is a filthiness unto grace. The flesh is filthiness unto the spirit. The spirit of the world is filthiness unto Christ. We dare not prostitute the anointing, by using it for the satisfaction of the flesh. When our inward desire for God has turned elsewhere for its satisfaction, we have defiled our spirit, lost our virginity, and only our Redeemer can restore us to a virgin state again. It is truly a further ‘revelation of Jesus Christ,’ that we see Him revealed in a company of virgins — undefiled ones. Only He can bring forth such a company of PERSONIFIED PURITY to stand with Him!”
“There are those who make their withdrawal only in the natural — they leave a religious system, ‘come out from among them,’ and feel they are free, and know not that their spirit is yet deeply defiled — and soon they have surrounded themselves with a little religious realm, which in due time has grown up to be another harlot in its own right, and they love her, defend her, fight for her, and do their best to say she is a true woman, but the spirit is the same as the old sectarianism they came out of, and they birthed another of its kind. But, there are those, praise God, who are being (process) redeemed from the earth, redeemed from among men, not defiled with women, for THEY ARE VIRGINS. They have a pure ‘virgin spirit,’ undefiled, a spirit that is free from the spirit of the world, free from all foreign spirits, free from all familiar spirits, free from all religious spirits. Praise God!”
"Those who follow the Lamb must not be “defiled with women.” They must not be defiled with the error and shame of the fleshly ways and religious spirit that defiles the harlot woman called Babylon and her many daughters. Those who follow the Lamb have been called and separated and chosen by the Son of God to be a pure and holy virgin unto Him. Behold, I show you a mystery and a divine paradox beyond the wisdom of man. In the world one starts out as a virgin and may become a harlot; but in the church one begins as a harlot and eventually becomes a virgin! All the elect of the Lord must be comprised only of those who have been called out of both the world and the church system. They must follow only and always the Lamb! They must cleave unto Him, and to Him alone! They must not be defiled by man, and they must be cleansed from all other religious or spiritual relationships, to give themselves wholly and unreservedly to HIM! Then they shall be pure and holy, qualified to receive His fullness, and prepared for that greatest of all events, known in scripture, as “the manifestation of the sons of God.”
"Sects, denominations, and cults have all come into existence through the love of something else rather than the Lord. Some are followers of a man — some eloquent, charismatic leader who can captivate people in their emotions. Some even name their “church” after the man — Lutheran, Mennonite, Wesleyan Methodist, etc. Some are given over to specific doctrines and unless one believes exactly as they do they will have nothing to do with that person regardless of how much their heart is toward the Lord. Various of these go on to name their denominations after their pet doctrine — Seventh Day Adventist, Baptist, Universalist, Christian Science, etc. Different forms of church government have divided believers into separate groups, each believing they have the best or most scriptural form of government. Some of these even name their organizations after their form of church government — Congregational, Presbyterian, etc. I have no hesitation whatever in telling you that all of this is gross carnality and utter defilement!"