Matt Walsh is a fake and gay shill who can roast Pete Buttgag over a fire for doing surrogacy but when a friend (Dave Rubin) does it, not a PEEP. And Dave did it TWICE, at the same time.
Mark Dice, trustworthy or not, called Matt out for this which got him a real nice reply from Matt. Those blaze podcasts dudes are all fake and gay, and I listened to two of them for quite a while as podcast filler.
The ads are also cringe. Value for value is the only way forward.
Matt Walsh is a fake and gay shill who can roast Pete Buttgag over a fire for doing surrogacy but when a friend (Dave Rubin) does it, not a PEEP. And Dave did it TWICE, at the same time.
Mark Dice, trustworthy or not, called Matt out for this which got him a real nice reply from Matt. Those blaze podcasts dudes are all fake and gay, and I listened to two of them for quite a while as podcast filler.
The ads are also cringe. Value for value is the only way forward.