As children reach adolescence, they have a lot of confusion regarding body image and awkwardness between the sexes. Add to that Left Wing teachers sharing their personal sexuality and indoctrination of transgender is and CRT into the mix, bullying and the children are easily misled to please peers and those as authority figures In and outside of the home. This can result in making decisions that they are not able and ready to make, not fully realizing and understanding the short and long term consequences. So while I abhor government interference, especially in the name of DCFS, someone has to protect the children when the parents can’t or won’t. Physicians should be banned on any interventions in those younger than 18.
As children reach adolescence, they have a lot of confusion regarding body image and awkwardness between the sexes. Add to that Left Wing teachers sharing their personal sexuality and indoctrination of transgender is and CRT into the mix, bullying and the children are easily misled to please peers and those as authority figures In and outside of the home. This can result in making decisions that they are not able and ready to make, not fully realizing and understanding the short and long term consequences. So while I abhor government interference, especially in the name of DCFS, someone has to protect the children when the parents can’t or won’t. Physicians should be banned on any interventions in those younger than 18.