Post 194 and 195: On face value, discussing the Iran deal, references to the dark families and their affinity for regalia, etc. Confirmed later by other drops but buried within these drops is, I believe, vital confirmation of genetic alteration in the cabals plan.
"(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold? "
Again, on the surface, a clear reference to the families and their need for symbolism. But this is also, in the right frame of mind, a massive clue for what Q is really trying to warn us about. With genetics in mind, in direct gene transference called biolistics, they use a gene gun which fires dna/ rna macromolecules that have been plated in gold at high speeds into target cells. This is critical as I believe one of the primary objectives of the Great Reset is massive genetic modification of the population. Starting with the mRNA vaccines that do indeed, write to your DNA. They now use more advanced methods of indirect transference but biolistics was very important in developing modern genetics. As for the Y, that is the physical shape of an antibody. Referring to the modification/ suppression of our immune system by the mrna vaccine. Though the vaccine is extremely dangerous, I don't believe it's primary intent is to kill, so much as prep the human genome for massive genetic modification. The mass amount of deaths is just it killing the weak in the process. This could explain the suppression of the cancer surveillance system as discussed in MIT research," Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs." The heavy genetic modification to come in the waves of gene therapy with the great food transformation would likely have difficulty taking as the innate immune system constantly did it's job and treated the genetic changes as cancer. In this theoretical context, this one phrase has significant meaning. I cover the importance of the Great Food Transformation in the video below, if you want a quick run down on it.
Then their is the constant reference to magic in numerous post. Magic, magical, magic sword, magic wand, and wizards and warlocks. Over a dozen post, easily. All with their more obvious, surface meanings. But in reference to genetics, it may mean something incredibly important and massive for what's to come. I stumbled across this tech while researching Dr. Ardis' venom theory. There is a powerful technology called Metagenomic Alteration of Gut microbiome by In situ Conjugation or MAGIC for short. It uses genetically altered bacteria, specifically the plasmids within the bacteria, to induce " community-wide horizontal gene transfer events in situ" in mammalian gut bacteria. That is, they can now introduce these bacteria to you via food (remember that super catchy Daisy cottage cheese commercial?) Once introduced, it can alter the nucleus DNA of the gut microbiome, across species. This is important as there are hundreds of different species of microbes in your digestive tract. They can use this to introduce any instruction they want to the organisms that on average, are on a 1 to 1 ratio with human cells. From venom peptides, to other genetic instruction. They can program the gut bacteria to produce in theory, whatever protein they need. In the research paper Dr. Ardis referenced for his venom theory, the researchers presented origin theories of their own. They suspected these venom peptides could be secreted by bacteria in the gut. I cover this in one of my videos if you don't mind newb production.
Post 2980:
Building on the Great Food Transformation= The Great Human genome reconstitution. Simple but clear message in this frame of reference. Ends the post with " Death Bloom." The constant, multiple prong attack on our legacy food stuffs. Bill Gates and other globalist actors cornering the farm and seed market. The clear staging for edible vaccines in conjunction with the WHO compliance maneuver for the next pandemic. Positioning pieces as you would in chess. By the time the next pandemic hits, I suspect this fall or it's already starting, food shortages in conjunction with the mass introduction of edible vaccines is how they will introduce their coveted Planetary Health Diet, which in turn is the key to the Great Food Transformation. Once implemented, this predominately vegan diet will be used to introduce wave after wave, stage after stage, of genetic modification. In the process of malforming the human genome for integration into their vision of the 4th industrial revolution, scores of people will likely die from rejection and organ failure. Likely, only the strong and young will survive the transformation which is likely intended. Not only could billions die but what it means to be human will, as well. Death bloom. The primary mechanism of the Great Reset begins with blooms in fields across the world.
Post 3985, 3541, 3599, etc.
Now for some of the more obvious clues. These post refer to crops or harvest. As in post 3599, " The Harvest [crop] has been prepared and soon will be delivered to the public for consumption." In the context of the Great Food Transformation, this is in your face obvious. They produced those mrna vaccines awfully fast, didn't they? Well for years now, they've had the technology to grow mRNA proteins and with the right plants, at impressive speeds. Though the future edible vaccines will be directly ingested, the tech to grow, isolate, and purify the proteins from crops has been around for years. This very likely could also be the vector for the venom peptides used to simulate the pandemic. Create a problem/ Present a solution= Grow a problem/ Grow the solution. Rinse/ Repeat.
There's more I've discovered so far yet I've barely scratched the surface. For instance, the reference to Green/ Red, in numerous configurations, could also be referring to the green and red fluorescent protein genes researches constantly use in genetic studies to verify gene transference. I strongly suspect references to the genetic arsenal the globalist are using is coursing through the Q codex. Snow White. The bite that has no cure. It might be his primary warning, and likely is considering the ramifications of what I think they may be planning. I hope this helps other researchers crack more of the Q code so we can unravel enough of this mystery to come up with a plan to survive this. I've got a plan besides storing food but it's not going to stop the Great Food Transformation. Only expose it and even that's a shot in the dark. Good luck and please let me know in the comments if you know of any big Q drops in reference to genetics. It's my primary research now and I could use all the help I can get. God speed and happy hunting.
Oh do you know what they know? and they have totally misjudged humanity before ..they don't understand humans
Logical deduction. I didn't say we wouldn't win. We will win this war but billions are still going to fall prey to their plan. I highly doubt it's avoidable. The billions that have already taken the nRNA vaccine are proof of that. How many have already been killed? Their plan has already been proven effective. Q warned us multiple times of the scale and magnitude of this war. They've already killed millions. Do not underestimate these people or you will fall prey to the next stage.
Not as many people took the vaxx as they would have you believe and even less will take it next time
Yes I'm sure they artificially inflated the numbers but countless still took it. Including a huge portion of the senior population. The next time people will be hungry. The next time will be different. Make the mistake of underestimating them and you will not survive the next 5 years. Did you or any loved ones 'contract' a severe case of COVID? That very likely could have been some of the genetic tech I discussed. It's only going to get worse. We are no where near the end.
How do you know?