Funny how some things seem never seem to lose their excitement: walking, biking, cooking, drawing and growing plants.
Assuming she gets to keep her bike, doesn't have to fear the constant surveillance system watching her every move, and isn't working her at her state mandated serf job so fucking much that she even has time to draw. And how about we talk about the fact that this Big Brother sure as shit isn't going to just willy nilly let her grow anything useful, if they let her grow plants in the first place. Growing something that could possibly reduce some of her dependence on Big Brother? HAHAHAHA bullet for you, comrade!!!
This "person" is an absolute imbecile. She is one of the lab creations from Brave New World who was bred to consoom and never question.
Assuming she gets to keep her bike, doesn't have to fear the constant surveillance system watching her every move, and isn't working her at her state mandated serf job so fucking much that she even has time to draw. And how about we talk about the fact that this Big Brother sure as shit isn't going to just willy nilly let her grow anything useful, if they let her grow plants in the first place. Growing something that could possibly reduce some of her dependence on Big Brother? HAHAHAHA bullet for you, comrade!!!
This "person" is an absolute imbecile. She is one of the lab creations from Brave New World who was bred to consoom and never question.