To any Gene Decode 'haters' / nay-sayers out there, I have dug up & provided the source videos/documents for most of the topics that Gene covered in this interview (wherever viable), so go view the source materials and stop shooting the messenger. Or simply move on to another post.
Here's the Rumble link (UTube already nuked this video):
Navy veteran Gene Decode (Cosensei) brought out some WILD info during his 5/16/22 interview with Nicholas Veniamin, including:
•Time stamp 3:00 - Gene talks about Bill/William Cooper (a silenced/murdered truther and whistleblower from the 1990s) and his book "Behold A Pale Horse" - which (in around 1991) forecast the whole COVID plan-demic and subsequent "vax" mandates leading the world into a total prison planet, courtesy of the New World Order globalist psychopaths.
•Time stamp 4:40 - Gene read a note received from one of his contacts saying that Roe vs. Wade is being overturned, but not for the (cheery) reason that one might assume. His contact's take on it is that reversing Roe vs. Wade has much more sinister intentions - specifically (1) keeping more of the AI-enhanced hybrid monster babies alive that are spawned by jabbed parents and (2) hiding the huge decline in pregnancy numbers since so many child-bearing aged potential parents have become sterile from the vax jabs.
•Time stamp 9:28 - Deceased jabbed corpses buried in cemeteries are emitting Bluetooth signals and all have unidentified MAC addresses! Bluetooth scanners (there's a mobile app for this) actually pick up these corpses' unidentified MAC addresses and Bluetooth signals and intercept the data packets.
The higher priced scanners even show the depth below ground where the signals are coming from too. =-O They're actually finding which corpse is tied to which MAC address and is emitting which Bluetooth signal by laying the scanner on the ground on top of the grave and putting a faraday cage over the scanner. He shows some of a video of people tracking all this craziness at a cemetery. Sooooo creepy!
•Source video from cemetery Bluetooth trackers shown by Gene in interview (1 hour 7 mins - skip to time stamp 16:30)
Viewer warning - these guys in this video are clearly anti-semantic & use some foul language re: deceased Jews buried at the cemetery
•Supplemental info explaining MAC addresses and Bluetooth signals being generated by self-assembling nano-technology contained in some batches of COVID 'vax' shots:
•Time stamp 14:11 - Gene talks about Nicholas V's recent interview on Trump and time travel. Gene points out that Russell Walter (who mentored Nicholas Tesla) - Walter proved via experimentation that elements are transient and vibrational frequencies can change them. Elements are not permanent. Walter is who generated zero-point energy. Tesla said Walter's research is so mind-bending that it should be locked away for 1,000 years because humanity may not be ready for it.
•Source document: "Nikola Tesla 3 Generations Later - Russell Walter": (this URL is throwing a "database connection" error at the moment)
•Time stamp 17:10 - 2 electric buses in Paris spontaneously exploded and burst into flames from the lithium rechargeable batteries in the roofs.
•Sources: 5/7/22 Gateway Pundit article: & video of a Paris electric bus exploding:
•Time stamp 17:40 - Symbology/messaging decode on "The Wizard of Oz" movie (hidden messages contained within it) - this movie is all about the global banking cartel, gold, and "Oz" = ounces (of gold). The field of poppies is about the drug wars. The Emerald City is the Federal Reserve banking system. It goes into what the various movie characters represent too (strawman/Scarecrow with no brain, TIN man = Tax Identification Number with no heart, cowardly lion with no courage). Overall message - all we need to expose the wicked rulers of our prison planet (and push forward the "Great Awakening") are a brain, a heart and a soul. It's pretty trippy! •Sourced from "The True Republic 1776" - video (7 mins):
•Time stamp 20:10 - Wireless earbuds (AirPods) emit astronomically high amounts of constant EMF radiation (per Electromagnetic meter) and Gene said a friend of his looks like he had a stroke with half of his face fallen down.
•Time stamp 23:00 - Video of faux President Biden saying on camera that Delaware is "not a state" and it's "never been one."
•Time stamp 24:08 - Video of the Alliance / Space Force shooting down an enemy spaceship entering through a portal using some type of laser weapon
•Time stamp 25:00 - "Young Global Leaders" program with world leaders being groomed via World Economic Forum since 1992. He also shows a video about the NWO's push towards mass surveillance "Smart Cities" (showcased in Saudi Arabia). Another video shows how mobile phone cameras are tracking every object in your environment and enclosing each item in boxes with a label on it (e.g., computer, keyboard, cup, remote, etc.).
•Time stamp 41:00 - Prediction that Ukraine is going to end up being split up and portions of the country being taken back by Russia, Poland, Crimea, Moldova, and Belarus
•Time stamp 46:00 - Gene talks about 4D/5D Earth for ascended humans
Theres no such thing as antisemitism. Every major religion should be questioned and discussed, regularly, loudly, and publically. Also, you can not legislate that one person must like another.
I based that statement on the types of slurs the guys in the video used against Jewish people who were buried in that cemetery, as well as one of them walking over a Jewish person's grave saying that Jews "aren't human." Those guys in the video, IMO, were VERY anti-Jewish.
Too bad theres still no such thing as anti semitism, and people are allowed to have their own opinions, including about other people.