Not a fan of his but Joey Gilbert is the best we have running.
Big NO to Lombardo. He's as dirty as Sisolak.
Sam Brown for Senate.
If you do facebook, there are a couple of groups like Battle Born Patriots (they have subgroups for each county) and Taking Nevada Back.
Why do you say Lombardo is as dirty as Sisolak? Please don't misunderstand, I will continue to do my own research, but I'd like to know your thoughts on the matter.
And why Sam Brown? He's struggling in the race against Laxalt, who has met Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
Sorry I can't be of more help. I have memory/cognitive issues so I can remember "No" but the details of why are gone. I did vote for Laxalt for governor but then I read things about him and so now I am left with a "No" when it comes to him.
As an aside, I just received my voter pamphlet and the voting places are in grocery stores. I used to vote at the library but now I have to go the grocery store! And it says that I don't have to go to my neighborhood voting place. Is it that way where you are?
Not a fan of his but Joey Gilbert is the best we have running. Big NO to Lombardo. He's as dirty as Sisolak.
Sam Brown for Senate.
If you do facebook, there are a couple of groups like Battle Born Patriots (they have subgroups for each county) and Taking Nevada Back.
Why do you say Lombardo is as dirty as Sisolak? Please don't misunderstand, I will continue to do my own research, but I'd like to know your thoughts on the matter.
And why Sam Brown? He's struggling in the race against Laxalt, who has met Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
I do not use FB, but that's good info! Thank you.
Lombardo . . . The whole Las Vegas shooting cover up is what really gets me. Then just watching LV descend into the toilet. Ugh!
But here is a blog that points out some of his flip flopping:
Ooof, Lombardo has made some sketchy statements. Lots of red flags.
I'll keep looking him up, but thanks again for all your help.
Sorry I can't be of more help. I have memory/cognitive issues so I can remember "No" but the details of why are gone. I did vote for Laxalt for governor but then I read things about him and so now I am left with a "No" when it comes to him.
As an aside, I just received my voter pamphlet and the voting places are in grocery stores. I used to vote at the library but now I have to go the grocery store! And it says that I don't have to go to my neighborhood voting place. Is it that way where you are?