If Q could throw out shade about arresting Hillary to cover for arrests in Saudi Arabia, it is totally possible that they threw out the "look to twitter, exactly this" tagline to keep the Cabal guessing as to when "The Storm" would arrive.
Maybe we will never get that special tweet. I think a more beautiful tweet would be one where Trump tells us that the Storm is over, and that we have reached the other side. I would literally start weeping if he did that! To know that he and the Q team worked overtime in the background these past couple of years and that our hardships are nearly at an end would be incredible!
I can't get my hopium up too much. I am still prepared for that tweet, and to weather The Storm for a few more years if need be. I do admit that I grow weary of this conflict. With the growing weariness comes an aged wisdom though. A gift bestowed by the Q team and community.
Fascinating take.
Perhaps you are correct.
If Q could throw out shade about arresting Hillary to cover for arrests in Saudi Arabia, it is totally possible that they threw out the "look to twitter, exactly this" tagline to keep the Cabal guessing as to when "The Storm" would arrive.
Maybe we will never get that special tweet. I think a more beautiful tweet would be one where Trump tells us that the Storm is over, and that we have reached the other side. I would literally start weeping if he did that! To know that he and the Q team worked overtime in the background these past couple of years and that our hardships are nearly at an end would be incredible!
I can't get my hopium up too much. I am still prepared for that tweet, and to weather The Storm for a few more years if need be. I do admit that I grow weary of this conflict. With the growing weariness comes an aged wisdom though. A gift bestowed by the Q team and community.