Here is the thread I found this on
What a coincidence. This man built a engine that ran on water and he happened to get killed in the Buffalo shooting. Here is proof of his engine
It's entirely possible this was a conspiracy murder by the oil companies to assassinate the inventor that would make their product obsolete and bankrupt them, disguised as a white supremacist attack. A similar thing happened to Stanley Myer, the feds poisoned him because he made a car run on water.
A few weeks ago I discovered this video A man put a lawnmower carburetor on his old car that had a V8 in it and got 45mpg after tuning it. I wonder if the feds will come after this guy too. He has not made a video in weeks.
You realize that a car that runs exclusively on water would be a perpetual motion machine, right?
when you fire a gun in a way you get more energy out then what you put into it with your trigger finger. Your finger unlocks more energy present in the system. It's the same with the water to hydrogen thing. If you do regular electrolysis then yes you don't get more energy out of the water than the electricity you put in, but if like stanley meyers etc you pulse the electricity in a certain way then you crack open the water and release the hydrogen hidden in the system with very little energy input just like pulling the trigger on a gun.
Again, that's a perpetual motion machine. Because the way you get energy from the hydrogen you've released from the water is by burning it with oxygen you've released from the water to make... water.