posted ago by 20-guage ago by 20-guage +18 / -1

This info is from last fall and hasn't been updated. (I'll try to do so later today.)

These places are in India. None of them requires an Rx (just ignore that section on the form), and shipments take about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks to arrive. All three places provide shipment tracking info / links.

NOTE for doubters of meds from India: A substantial percentage of our generic meds dispensed to us here in the US are manufactured in Mexico, India and ...Chyna. Just ask your pharmacist to see the labels on the bottles from which he dispenses your next Rx.


This place seems to have the best prices and the best customer service. They also sell HCQ, DOXY, and a wide range of other generic meds. If you need something that's not listed, contact the Customer Service number below. (I ordered a 3 year supply of my heart meds for less than 1 yr costs me here in the US.)


NOTE: DO NOT ORDER FROM THE WEBSITE. It's aligned to India and shipments may be seized by the USPS. To be assured that the shipment comes via Singapore, call their Customer Service number in Florida -- 786-386-3826 -- and ask for Renold. The dude is solid and will give you price quotes, etc.

ALSO, if you need generic meds that aren't listed on the website, give him the names and he'll let you know if they can get them for you.



The order I just placed is being shipped from India, but others here report receiving shipments, via Singapore, using just the website. (No phone call required.) The prices for this source seem higher, and reports are that customer service is slow.



Other anons report all shipments are via Singapore / Europe, no seizure problems. Customer service may not be as responsive as the other two places.