“In response, school officials initially appeared to stand behind the poster, noting they understood “how complex and intersectional this topic is” and that the “imagery may be upsetting to some Muslims.” But on Wednesday, a Western official who oversees equity, diversity and inclusion issued a statement noting the image had been removed.”
Those pesky ‘equity, diversity and inclusion’ people are causing havoc all over the place. Don’t they know what happened to the staff at Charlie Hebdo?
About the violence thing, from what I understand domestic violence is found in a higher percentage in this kind of coupling than traditional male/female relationships. How bout dat?!
Except for the little boys, which they dress as women and rape...
Lol the PS🐸
They're very nice to women. They protect women from their own poor decisions. Unlike the West.
From the article:
“In response, school officials initially appeared to stand behind the poster, noting they understood “how complex and intersectional this topic is” and that the “imagery may be upsetting to some Muslims.” But on Wednesday, a Western official who oversees equity, diversity and inclusion issued a statement noting the image had been removed.”
Those pesky ‘equity, diversity and inclusion’ people are causing havoc all over the place. Don’t they know what happened to the staff at Charlie Hebdo?
I think we should help spread this message of love for Western University.
Woke policies bring their own destruction
Islam Is Right About Gays
The only time you'll ever see a blond white male... is when he's gay and in an interracial relationship.
Racists for the wood chipper.
Is that supposed to be Obama and Michael?
About the violence thing, from what I understand domestic violence is found in a higher percentage in this kind of coupling than traditional male/female relationships. How bout dat?!
Is this in London, Ontario?
Ontario, Canada’s Western University Link here.