Limiting Federal Policing Powers Inside State Borders:
- It shall be unlawful for any federal agent to operate within the borders of the state without receiving deputization by the country sheriffs in the jurisdictions they wish to operate in. a. As such, a Deputized Federal Agent (further to be called Agent in this document) Shall carry a copy of their deputization papers: On their person, in any vehicles, and in a pouch secured to EACH weapon they possess, either Government issued or personal firearms. i. Failure to do so shall be classified as illegal possession of a firearm in a prohibited place, arrest and detention shall be immediate. b. An Agent shall always ride second seat to a county deputy and must obtain permission before taking an initiative. c. An Agent shall be required to wear a body camera when exercising their authority. i. If an Agent is not wearing their camera, they are a civilian with no more authority than any other civilian in the same situation.
- Should an Agent act in a matter to prevent, deter or inhibit a crime, they will be held to the professional standards of their profession.
- No Federal Agency may have direct police powers within the state to make an arrest or issue a warrant. a. If a warrant is requested, it must be approved by the following: i. The City Police Chief or their Alternate ONLY if the Chief is out of the boundaries of the State or otherwise incapacitated. ii. The Country or Parish Sheriff or their Alternate ONLY if the Sheriff is out of the boundaries of the State or otherwise incapacitated. iii. The State Police Chief (or the top Policing Agency within the state) or their Alternate ONLY if the Chief is out of the boundaries of the State or otherwise incapacitated. iv. The Governor or their Alternate ONLY if the Governor is out of the boundaries of the State or otherwise incapacitated.
- At no point shall it be legal for Federal Agents to gather data or investigate anyone that is considered a resident of the state. a. The request must include a list of perceived charges that are believed to need to be applied. This list to be considered exhaustive unless deeds that fall outside the scope of the initial crime are discovered. i. Such example would be investigating back fraud but discovering murder. b. Should such an investigation be needed, it MUST be requested by the agency to the local Sheriff’s office. At which time the Federal Agency must fund the entire investigation. i. Refusal to fund the investigation shall be filed as a double jeopardy for any attempted charges.
- All investigative materials used by a federal agency to include Documents, Lab results, Photos, Any kind of Expert Testimony, videos or anything else collected to achieve a conviction shall be made public record. Any attempt to withhold ANY information shall result in: a. Vacating the Conviction Under Double Jeopardy b. Restitution to the tune of 10,000 per day that the investigation occurred to the Victim(s) i. Victims being those undergoing/undergone prosecution c. Arrest of all Federal officials from that Agency in the state with Charges of Sedition Against the State.
- Should an investigation require any amount of time the Sheriff deems to be burdensome (this is left open to interpretation by the Sheriff alone, intentionally), the Agency shall fund two Deputies per one agent. a. Any attempt to influence the selection of the Sheriff’s Deupty for this role shall result in refusal and/or cancelation of all requests for investigate and all future federal investigations headed by that agent in the state. i. The Agents name shall be added to a Public List, The List of Prohibited Agents, which is easily locatable and share with the public and other states ii. All details about the case, sans the subjects name and/or company names, shall be published as well as the reason for this action to have been taken iii. The agent shall be barred from any kind of police, investigative or security work within the state iv. There shall be no recourse for removal from this list
- Any breach of the above requirements shall result in the suspension and a 6 month review of all investigations as requested by Federal Agents/Officials/Agencies in the state. a. If any additional crimes are found to have occurred by ANY Federal Agent in the state AT ANY TIME, for ANY REASON, all investigations shall cease, and all Federal Agents shall be expelled, and their names add to the List of Prohibited Agents.
- At no time shall a Federal Agent Participate in a raid. They may not be in communication with any police forces nor within a 5-mile radius of the event for 1 hour before through 1 hour after the raid. a. No Federal Agent shall make a request to a judge for approval of a raid or no-know warrant to occur in the state at any time. This is the sole responsibility of local police forces and justification must be submitted to them. At which time the Sheriff will have to write and submit the request themselves. b. Under no circumstances will a no-knock raid be requested or carried out at Federal Request.
- If an investigation is found to be malicious in nature, all agents leading up to the head of the Agency in the state shall be tried with the following: a. Attempted Kidnapping b. Attempted Murder – this assumes force could have been used, possibly resulting in the death of the victim c. Slander – Normally a Civil Liability, but when used by a Government Official it shall result in 5 years in prison d. Libel - Normally a Civil Liability, but when used by a Government Official it shall result in 5 years in prison e. False Imprisonment f. Invasion of Privacy – This shall result in 10 years in prison g. Suspicion of Sedition Against the State h. Sedition Against the State
- It shall be the responsibility a specially created group to investigate all issues of corruption by police agencies within the state. This agency will subsume and take control of all Internal Affairs Groups. a. It shall also have the responsibility of performing an audit on every election that occurs within the boundaries of the state for Governmental Office. b. It shall also be responsible for investigating all Political Action Commities and Political parties for every election Cycle i. They shall be granted immediate, un restricted access to the following: All electronic correspondence, all GPS data and all telephone logs. There shall be a minimum ten year retention time for this data by the PAC(s) and policitical Parties and their Agents.
- Any attempt to subvert this shall be tried as Sedition Against the State. c. It shall also be responsible for investigating Political Corruption within the State Government and All Federal Agencies within the state. i. Any Attempt to subvert this (including but not exclusive to the deletion, removal or hiding of evidence) shall be considered Sedition Against the State. d. Any County Sheriff may investigate this group at any time with no need for a warrant. Any Attempt to unduly influence this is to be publicized, the individuals arrested for Suspicion of Sedition Against the State. e. This group shall be trained by former Internal Affairs personnel at a school house. f. Former Internal Affairs personnel may return to the police force g. Former Internal Affairs personnel may NOT be employed as an investigator
- Corruption Investigators shall be drawn from the General Public, with care taken to not draw people that would have worked, been involved in or had family or close friends work in any of the following: a. Law Enforcement b. Politics c. Government d. Active Political Volunteering
- Corruption Investigators shall receive a bounty for every incidence of corruption found Amount shall be one years pay
- Corruption investigators that are caught falsifying any evidence to achieve a conviction will be strip of all possessions, monies and valuable, added to the list of Prohibited Agents, their contracts dissolved and wages garnished at 50% for life, with the funds going to the victims.
- If ANY Federal Agency takes initiative to ignore these rules and laws, all Federal Employees resident in the state shall be arrested on suspicion of Sedition Against the State.
- The results and findings of all investigations shall be considered public records.
- All building closures and condemnations shall be considered public record.
- No data may be destroyed, and all data must be freely and easily accessible.
- Redaction shall be minimal at worst. If any substantial amount of data is redacted beyond what is reasonable to the average person to understand what activities occurred, their nature, why they occurred, how they occurred and when they occurred, then Charges of Suspicion of Sedition Against the State shall be filed against the individual(s) in charge of the redaction. a. Subsequently an Investigation shall be opened against the entire agency(s) in which all the charged worked.
- The Default Position to be taken is to err towards the rights of the citizens and restrict the powers of the government in all cases. a. If something is considered broadly unpopular that is applied as a Power, then that would be considered an err towards government and be considered illegal under the terms of the law.
- Any attempt to create a group or organization to influence the behaviors, attitudes and actions of a group of 1 or more people shall fall under this law. This is a non-exhaustive list that shall include: Homeowners Associations, Clubs, Religious Organizations and other structured organizations that exist within the bounds of the law excluding marriage and parenting.
Sedition Against the State Is defined as the attempt to pervert the integrity of any governmental position, power or process to gain undue control or influence against the state, it’s employees or its citizens. The punishment for this is Death. No appeal will be tolerated. Sentence shall be carried out by their professional peers via firing squad. Any refusal of carrying out this warrant shall result in the charge of Suspicion of Sedition Against the State
Suspicion of Sedition Against the State Is Defined as aiding or assisting in any way attempt to pervert the integrity of any governmental position, power or process to gain undue control or influence against the state, it’s employees or its citizens. The punishment for this is forfeiture of all Assets, 10 years in prison, followed by a repeated asset collection, after which the convicted shall be exiled from the state. If an exiled individual is caught within state boundaries, the punishment repeats.
A Position is defined as a job or role held within government. This includes but is not limited to: Federal, State, County, City/town Positions. This would include Direct employees, contractors or any layer of sub-contractor, volunteer, unpaid worker or any one else acting in any capacity on behalf of any governmental agency, group or organization.
A Power shall be anything or penalty that can be yielded within the state to coerce, influence or force an individual to do, act or behave in a specified manner.
A Process Shall be defined as any method for enacting or enforcing a law, it shall also include elections and selections. It shall also include all methods of procurement. This list is NOT exhaustive and should be readily and happily added to in order to further limit government and secure freedom for the people.
Ideally, but let's make them aware for that.