It started last evening on a Telegram account about OASIS Outback, LLC (Outback bar, restaurant, and sporting goods store). There's an Oasis Outback in Uvalde at 2900 East Main Street. Oasis Outback apparently lent money to Ramos before selling him weapons.
Oasis Outback received substantial funding from the Small Business Administration in the amount of $342,084. Oasis Outback is also "WRK, Inc." (shell company)? and it appears that federal contractors are implicated as duplicate loans appear to constitute fraud - exorbitant flows of federal funds to various entities, including billions to make F16 aircraft.
I remember our previous OP from once-upon-a-time Voat who kept telling us to look for the root cause of evil in Racine, WI, the county seat of Racine County, population 76,893. Perhaps we should add to the list Uvalde, TX, county seat of Uvalde County, population 15,217.
Here is the link. (the money part begins in the final segment of the article).
Propublica ppp tracker will let you see ppp loans, if that helps