These people want you dead, they want to castrate and rape your children, and they think it's funny. We have no common ground for discussion or mutual respect. Our good nature has been taken advantage of for too long. The legacy of leftism is hundreds of millions dead. Then while destroying us they accuse us of hate.
No. Sorry. It is not hate to defend yourself, your posterity, or to stand for righteousness. It is not hate to expose the murderous, lying nature of the enemies of civilization.
These people want you dead, they want to castrate and rape your children, and they think it's funny. We have no common ground for discussion or mutual respect. Our good nature has been taken advantage of for too long. The legacy of leftism is hundreds of millions dead. Then while destroying us they accuse us of hate.
No. Sorry. It is not hate to defend yourself, your posterity, or to stand for righteousness. It is not hate to expose the murderous, lying nature of the enemies of civilization.