"Judeo Christianity isnt a thing and it never was. It’s a lie."
I believe you are making a mistake with this thinking. The very first word in the Torah/Old Testament/Genesis is Bereshit (Bereshit, Bereishit, Bereshis, Bereishis, B'reshith, Beresh't, Beresheet, or Bereishees) which means In the Beginning and is also a pictograph which is symbolic through its letters to represent the coming of Jesus. Jesus said He had come to fulfill the Law of YHWH, not to abolish it. The mistake, IMHO is that modern Christians are mislead and believe they don't need to follow the commandments. Society has deteriorated as a result. Just as YHWH said it would. Take for instance, the commandment to Honor the Sabbath. I remember the days when almost all work stopped on the weekend and people could be assured that the weekend would come and there would be the opportunity for worship (Sat or Sun, or not at all, your choice), rest, reflection essential to the body and soul, bonding with family, hobbies, intellectual pursuits, gardening, you name it. Imagine now, the wisdom in that commandment. How far reaching the peacefulness of the weekend off would be to the entire country and to the entire planet. Or imagine the wisdom of the commandment not to eat any of the creatures in the sea that don't have BOTH scales and fins. Shellfish are the cleaners of the seabed and ocean floors. Would the waters of the planet be in the peril scientists say they are if this commandment was observed? Once you consider that all the other creatures without BOTH fins and scales would be left to their natural cycles, I think it's easy to understand why there are such problems proliferating.
The mistake, IMHO is that modern Christians are mislead and believe they don't need to follow the commandments.
Actually, it is the Jew that is misled, by believing that the Messiah has not come. And freed us from the law with His blood. But I do not blame all of the world's troubles on this, I blame satan for that.
The Jews know the elohim are aliens. They know and say it was cloning in the story of Adam and Eve and if Yahweh only begotten son is the one we call Jesus....a lie as he had more than one ...then Jesus is an alien hybrid..a mortal..not a divine god..so they wait for a divine god...
I am not Jewish but am never going to worship an alien..they were vicious and cruel
Judeo Christianity isnt a thing and it never was. It’s a lie.
"Judeo Christianity isnt a thing and it never was. It’s a lie."
I believe you are making a mistake with this thinking. The very first word in the Torah/Old Testament/Genesis is Bereshit (Bereshit, Bereishit, Bereshis, Bereishis, B'reshith, Beresh't, Beresheet, or Bereishees) which means In the Beginning and is also a pictograph which is symbolic through its letters to represent the coming of Jesus. Jesus said He had come to fulfill the Law of YHWH, not to abolish it. The mistake, IMHO is that modern Christians are mislead and believe they don't need to follow the commandments. Society has deteriorated as a result. Just as YHWH said it would. Take for instance, the commandment to Honor the Sabbath. I remember the days when almost all work stopped on the weekend and people could be assured that the weekend would come and there would be the opportunity for worship (Sat or Sun, or not at all, your choice), rest, reflection essential to the body and soul, bonding with family, hobbies, intellectual pursuits, gardening, you name it. Imagine now, the wisdom in that commandment. How far reaching the peacefulness of the weekend off would be to the entire country and to the entire planet. Or imagine the wisdom of the commandment not to eat any of the creatures in the sea that don't have BOTH scales and fins. Shellfish are the cleaners of the seabed and ocean floors. Would the waters of the planet be in the peril scientists say they are if this commandment was observed? Once you consider that all the other creatures without BOTH fins and scales would be left to their natural cycles, I think it's easy to understand why there are such problems proliferating.
The mistake, IMHO is that modern Christians are mislead and believe they don't need to follow the commandments.
Actually, it is the Jew that is misled, by believing that the Messiah has not come. And freed us from the law with His blood. But I do not blame all of the world's troubles on this, I blame satan for that.
"Actually, it is the Jew that is misled, by believing that the Messiah has not come."
I agree completely. Thankfully, there are multitudes of Jews who are Christians.
The Jews know the elohim are aliens. They know and say it was cloning in the story of Adam and Eve and if Yahweh only begotten son is the one we call Jesus....a lie as he had more than one ...then Jesus is an alien hybrid..a mortal..not a divine god..so they wait for a divine god...
I am not Jewish but am never going to worship an alien..they were vicious and cruel