Arabs and Jews are both Canaanites according to gene testing. No surprise one siccs the other onto the descendents of Jacob, who lived 3000 years ago and spawned the White European Christian race to carry on the Abrahamic Covenant.
The covenant is with. the elohim? I haven't looked at that..what did the covenant exactly say?
Michael tellinger was saying that a mummy 17000 years old is being tested for neandertal and denisovan .DNA
He thinks the free Adobe GA grand architect is whom he says we owe thanks for our DNA mixing with theirs giving us spiritual power etc etc. But listening to Mauro biglino transcribing the 17"books he has already done of the old testament they were vicious cruel that's not impressing me.
Have you heard Clif highs video about our human origins and our aquatic creators on YouTube? Well unlike the elohim wanting to be gods and worshipped the nummo stressed they were not gods..said where they came from and did make us so we could progress through reincarnation..not in their image at all. Research the dogon tribe. Lot missing now of course.
Arabs and Jews are both Canaanites according to gene testing. No surprise one siccs the other onto the descendents of Jacob, who lived 3000 years ago and spawned the White European Christian race to carry on the Abrahamic Covenant.
The covenant is with. the elohim? I haven't looked at that..what did the covenant exactly say?
Michael tellinger was saying that a mummy 17000 years old is being tested for neandertal and denisovan .DNA
He thinks the free Adobe GA grand architect is whom he says we owe thanks for our DNA mixing with theirs giving us spiritual power etc etc. But listening to Mauro biglino transcribing the 17"books he has already done of the old testament they were vicious cruel that's not impressing me.
Have you heard Clif highs video about our human origins and our aquatic creators on YouTube? Well unlike the elohim wanting to be gods and worshipped the nummo stressed they were not gods..said where they came from and did make us so we could progress through reincarnation..not in their image at all. Research the dogon tribe. Lot missing now of course.