Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. — Matthew 13:45 & 46
It was a difficult day that September. A war was raging around them and the General was not aware of what the enemy was planning next. He knew that if he did not gather information about the plans of the enemy, his soldiers would pay a great price. So he devised a plan to gather intelligence on the enemy, but he needed a volunteer.
One man was brave enough to step forward. He knew the risks. He knew that he could pay with his life. Yet, the young man said that he was willing to go. He believed in what he was fighting for. The freedom that they desired through the war was valuable to them. The plan was devised and the young man set out. Soon after, he was caught in his surveillance mission and sentenced to death.
He was given the opportunity to say his last words before he was put to death. It was then that Nathan Hale spoke the words that we continue to remember to this day. “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” He believed in the value of what he was fighting for.
In this parable, Jesus teaches about a merchant man who was searching for pearls. The story continues that when the man found a pearl of great price, he sold all that he had and bought it. He didn’t say the man only gave up a portion of what he had, Jesus said that he gave up everything. Not one single thing was held back from his pursuit of that pearl of great price.
Jesus was teaching in this parable about the kingdom of Heaven. He was talking about the extreme value of what is in Heaven. What is amazing is that He was not specifically talking about the gates of pearl, walls of jasper, or the streets of gold. In fact, when Jesus was talking about that pearl of great price, He was talking about you!
Jesus saw so much value in us that He willingly gave up everything. He gave up the splendors of Heaven. He willingly became a man to live a sinless life to die for our sins. Jesus willingly sacrificed His dignity and His life on the cross, giving up everything that He had, for you and me. He saw us as a pearl of great price. So valuable that He paid the ultimate price. I am so thankful today for those who were willing to pay the ultimate price for my freedom here on earth. I am even more thankful for a Savior who saw me as a pearl of great price, paying the ultimate price for my sin so that I might have eternal life.
Jared Dyson
Thank you.
And this is why Spurgeon's words cut to the marrow. Thank you again for sharing truth in a world of crazy!
...God bless you for reading and the encouraging words....