posted ago by Copperselectrons ago by Copperselectrons +18 / -3

When I post things that question the plan I stop seeing my post in feed. I get it tho, mods job is to keep content in line with the place they mod. But I just want to say the questions I bring up are logical and healthy and not trying to discourage. In fact good, thoughtful discussions can take place even with questions derived from events that are difficult, and appear incompatible, with what we hope is a plan.

Not only that, but Ive always disagreed respectfully, when I do, and I also receive valid correction happily. Anyone Ive discussed anything with knows this, also my history shows it. I have a lot of respect and value for the people here and thank God for you and for anyone who fights against evil and lies. I do wish my posts wouldnt disappear but maybe its for the best.

So ok. Whatever.