This is not entirely true. Yes they do sneak over the border unvaccinated. However, they enter border patrol custody, then are transferred to ICE detention centers and here's where covid tyranny starts.
The immigrants are put into undocumented quarantines at the whims of ICE agents and their contracted doctors through corecivic.
The immigrants bond paperwork is delayed on purpose if ICE feel like the immigrant will crack and take the jab.
The ICE agents work together with the doctors to wear the immigrants down to accept being jabbed. In some cases they lie to immigrants saying they won't ever get to their chosen destination unless they're jabbed.
The immigrants are made to sleep on the floor. AC blasting. Thin foil blankets for almost no warmth. 24 hour lighting. Standing everyone up every few hours to shuffle them around. Basically continuous sleep deprivation and psychological torture.
Now don't take this the wrong way. I am not pro open border at all. But nobody should be abused and coerced to take these fraudulent vaccines. It's happening on a grand scale inside.
For the right budding civil rights attorney, these ICE detention centers are a gold mine just waiting for you to start peeling back the layers.
This is not entirely true. Yes they do sneak over the border unvaccinated. However, they enter border patrol custody, then are transferred to ICE detention centers and here's where covid tyranny starts.
The immigrants are put into undocumented quarantines at the whims of ICE agents and their contracted doctors through corecivic.
The immigrants bond paperwork is delayed on purpose if ICE feel like the immigrant will crack and take the jab.
The ICE agents work together with the doctors to wear the immigrants down to accept being jabbed. In some cases they lie to immigrants saying they won't ever get to their chosen destination unless they're jabbed.
The immigrants are made to sleep on the floor. AC blasting. Thin foil blankets for almost no warmth. 24 hour lighting. Standing everyone up every few hours to shuffle them around. Basically continuous sleep deprivation and psychological torture.
Now don't take this the wrong way. I am not pro open border at all. But nobody should be abused and coerced to take these fraudulent vaccines. It's happening on a grand scale inside.
For the right budding civil rights attorney, these ICE detention centers are a gold mine just waiting for you to start peeling back the layers.