It makes me question the intelligence of those doctors. We all know now mask do not work at preventing the China virus. We now have studies proving masks don’t work. What is really going on here that intelligent people can’t speak or see the truth? Are these doctors really that dumb? Or is the Covid narrative producing so much income that they want to extend as long as possible?
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You know why dentists offices don’t require masks and doctors offices do? Medicare. The unelected fucks at the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) requires masks to be worn in the healthcare setting. If they don’t have a face diaper policy and enforce it, then they are subject to fines and expulsion from receiving payment on Medicare from CMS. Compliance is all about money, always has been.
Dentists aren’t subject to CMS rules so it’s all normal there.
And ironically one should technically be more at risk at the dentist. The hypocrisy is glaring, is it? Haven't worn masks at my dentist ever, not even at the beginning. Or at the OB/gyn. But hospital systema are so stupid.