Judge an account by its content not by the name. I have always been sure that the EAC telegram account is not Ezra’s, but the content is very high quality, including many false warnings a day or two before they happened.
Remember, everything is a tool that can be either useful or harmful depending on how you use it.
I think it is important to understand the motive if they are pretending to be someone they are not. I can't stand telegram so I'm not sure how this individual represents himself.
Judge an account by its content not by the name. I have always been sure that the EAC telegram account is not Ezra’s, but the content is very high quality, including many false warnings a day or two before they happened.
Remember, everything is a tool that can be either useful or harmful depending on how you use it.
I think it is important to understand the motive if they are pretending to be someone they are not. I can't stand telegram so I'm not sure how this individual represents himself.