posted ago by Q20191776 ago by Q20191776 +15 / -0

The Oklahoma District 34 State Senate seat currently is held by a Democrat. How did that happen in a county that voted along with all 76 other counties in Oklahoma for Trump? I dunno. Or maybe I do.

Anyway, in the 2022 Oklahoma Senate District 34 race, the Democrat Incumbent is running unopposed in the Democratic primary and there are two Republican candidates in the Republican primary to be held on June 28.

Both Republican candidates claim to be conservative. One includes his stance on Right To Life in his campaign information, and one touts his support of the 2nd Amendment.

The interesting thing to me about this race is that CAIR Oklahoma supports one of the candidates, and Google search engine eagerly returns their link when I was searching for information on this candidate. https://www.cairoklahoma.com/candidates/brad-peixotto/

Now, way back in the 2010 timeframe, Oklahoma voted by 70% to ban Sharia Law in the Courts. https://abcnews.go.com/US/Media/oklahoma-pass-laws-prohibiting-islamic-sharia-laws-apply/story?id=10908521#:~:text=June%2014%2C%202010%E2%80%94%20--%20Oklahoma%20is%20poised%20to,constitution%20that%20was%20recently%20approved%20by%20the%20Legislature.

But this was contested in the courts (primarily by CAIR), and the decision overturned in 2012. https://ballotpedia.org/Federal_10th_Circuit_upholds_lower_court_Sharia_ruling

This never sat well with me, even though I was not an Oklahoma voter back in 2010 (was in Florida during this timeframe).

So, there's that.

Well, anyway again, I wondered if the CAIR endorsed candidate won, would some oppose him enough to vote the Democrat incumbent back in.

I also wonder what the CAIR endorsed candidate thinks about CAIR endorsing him, and how he feels about Sharia Law in the Courts. Has the issue of conflicts between Sharia Law and our Constitution really been addressed yet?

Still studying the candidates in this race, but it is very interesting. Am sending each candidate questions to help me consider their candidacy seriously.

My bottom line is that one of the Republican candidates will likely get my vote, in both the primary and the general election.