First of all, thank you for giving me a community to continue learning from and a home where I don't appear nutso to the average person. I, like many on here, have been diving these rabbit holes since Ron Paul cured my apathy and introduced me to the Non Federal Reserve and the many tentacles it uses. The "addiction" here is just as bad as it was during the good ole Daily Paul days. Thank you all, God Bless, keep the faith, and know that God wins.
So...we have all seen the meme where you shove PRIDEMONTH together and get the demon in the middle. This morning, while my legs were going numb on the porcelain (sp?) office chair, catching up on any missed postings here at GAW...I had this thought run through my head. We took the "demon" out of pride month, but what is left? The answer is "PRITH". Perhaps the word prith has a off we go.
- To extend.
- To throw, cast.
- To send, direct.
Notice the source of this information...look at any symbols you might find on this page.
If you doubt that we are in the middle of a spiritual war at this point, I truly feel sorry for you. But just in case, this should be even more evidence of that fact.
Much love from the Boondocks of Oklahoma, where my life still consists of trying to educate those around me, preparing for the worst, praying for the best, raising longhorns and refusing to stress or becoming bitter. This is in God's hands and I will always be prepared to carry out God's will in this war as most of you are too. Have a wonderful day and pray, pray, pray.
Of course I don't mind, and completely understand. Keep up the good work!