My God... We were told about the vaccine genocide agenda back in 2016 in the pilot of season 10 of the X-Files. I always thought it was odd that the X-Files got a new season in the same year that President Trump was elected. This four minute clip spells out the entire vaccine agenda verbatim! 💉💀💉
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I hadn't watched this episode since it aired in 2016, and completely forgot about it. Upon rewatching this clip, I got chills with the accuracy of what was being portrayed in the show.
The jury is out on whether this was a White Hat warning, or Black Hat predictive programming.
They used to call Agent Mulder "spooky" in this series. I'd say "spooky" fits the description of this clip given what we have lived through in the past two years.
It even talks about the Russia frame job...
Yup! Banks going bust on a Friday, EMP attacks on our grid, framing Russia... Its all there.
There was one older episode that showed something very similar to Oklahoma bombing. I cannot recall the episode name but look at this clip, it even talks about small pox.