All of this is true - I can attest to this, because I was there that day.
My group of friends arrived just before the chaos started. We thought this would be a peaceful protest. I took a selfie of myself in front of the Capitol just before my cell phone battery died (I had been filming all morning at Trump’s Rally).
People were singing “The Star Spangled Banner.” Waving flags. Hugging. We were there to protest the fraudulent election - PEACEFULLY. And then a loud BOOM went off.
Though I didn’t go up as close to the steps or doorway of the Capitol, we could clearly see people being attacked. Tear gas. People running. Instigators with bullhorns. Flash bombs being hurled toward us.
“I don’t know what that is, but we’d better run” I yelled to my friends.
Smoke filled the air. People were bleeding. What was that loud boom? It sounded like a cannon. What exactly was going on?
We knew this had gone south quickly. This wasn’t normal behavior of Trump supporters. I should know, I’ve been to 7 Trump Rallies and I’d never encountered this kind of behavior before. We support law and order, our military and policemen, our freedoms set before us by our Founding Fathers. We know that “this” is not the way.
Had we been infiltrated by Antifa? That was our best guess - after all, we had to endure an entire summer of them burning down buildings, looting businesses, attacking people in their cars, and far worse, killing innocent people. And here we were, in the center of the chaos.
I’ll continue my story after I finish the second half of this documentary. It was a really dark day for innocent, American citizens. A painful look back at a Color Revolution by Marxist Anarchist hell-bent on stirring chaos that set forth a million lies to create division. A million lies to strip us of our beautiful Republic. A million lies that has propelled us (over a year, with what seems like no end) from a new regime that was “injected,” not elected. This is irregular warfare.
How can we watch this doc? Is it available online?
Thank you for everything you do!
They were shooting teargas balls way out into the crowd. I saw old couples on the ground crying and initial behavior from the police like they wanted to piss off everyone there. The first time I was hit with teargas I was 50 yards at least from the capital steps - every right to be there.
Still I think we were in the most patriotic crowd I have ever seen.. It's vilified so much in the media because it was hugely patriotic. We had Trump flags, Don't Tread on Me flag, and American flags..
I'm glad we can all agree that anyone who illegally entered the capital and caused damage is wrong and should be prosecuted for it.
Is the documentary showing our side of Jan 6, or is it more propaganda to further push the idea that it "was Trump's fault?"
Unfortunately I haven't had time to be able to watch it yet..