[This is indeed a stretch for GA content, but I can assure you that I have chosen the correct audience.]
I imagine most people are familiar with the concept of Archons/energy vampires, this post will be referring to those be(en)ings, though through a slightly different lens than traditional conspiracy lore. [be is to beings, as (has) been is to beening? haha]
What is the difference between a healthy human and someone gravely ill and/or cancer stricken? Does it not boil down to the latter's inability to remove malfunctioning cells? ...Cells that no longer serve their original and intended purpose of keeping the body alive and prosperous, instead becoming effective parasites utilizing the same or even more resources whilst providing no function?
'As above, so below'...'we are made in God's image'...God/Source is a body of sorts. Similar to our brains, the God-head relies on support from the rest of the body and plays the crucial role of distributing resources where they are needed. Key point being, while the God-head is parasitic in terms of energy consumption, it is very much a symbiotic relationship due to the return the body receives through health and eased existence. Somewhere along the line (just before the 'Fall from Heaven') the perfect, cosmic heavenly body experienced it's first cancer cell, 'Satan'. That cell was quarantined, but the allure of his great 'hack of the system' started to draw a crowd, eventually turning a small problem into a crisis for the entire body. All of a sudden a multitude of cells are tapping into the resource feed to and from the God-head straining the system while providing no benefit.
There is a slight difference between cells in our bodies and us being cells in the body of God. Healthy cells in the body of God are like fractals of the whole...each capable of supporting themselves or via small local communities. 'Cancer' cells (parasites, energy vampires) are wholly dependent on the flow of resources, the wider the distribution the better. The only treatment at God-head's disposal was to ween & cut off healthy cells, leaving primarily* just parasites feeding on what was sent from the top [^the end is not for everyone?]. Insert poison/toxin [radiation?] into that resource stream and ride out the storm.
[Sadly that's the extent of my glimpse beyond the veil, and thinking/typing/analyzing it any more would be tainted by me inserting myself, which I tried to keep in brackets. That said, I'm not too fond of how it ended...gloomy, short of a conclusion. I'm of the belief there is an immunity that could/can be acquired and we don't have to all go be hermits living off-grid to isolate from the modern world. This is all a very physical/material explanation or perspective and this all extends into the spiritual and mental realms as well.]
This is not a stretch by any means, fren. You're on the right path. I felt the same way when I lost 2 jobs and was forced into unemployment because of the plandemic. I started digging. I found GAW, and I found this. The combination of the two have kept me sane and healthy. There is so much info on this subject I'll just begin with this: https://purelysimpleorganicliving.com/vibrations-frequencies/
Source/Truth is like a prism, we're so overwhelmed (light as information is appropriate as well) that we have to pick one 'ray' to hone in on, viewing the truth through that lens. All but one of those lenses are showing the same underlying 'thing'...it's just our lack of ability to communicate that thing (without context/bias associated with that lens) that separate us from those viewing another perspective. I can identify that pitfall, but can't say I know how to bridge the gap(s). The one odd-ball lens has been manipulated, misdirected to show anything but the truth/source...thankfully it seems less people are being deceived into viewing through that one. [had something more on point to your link to say, but I lost the train of thought...hope it comes back to me.]
Adding on another layer: The majority of the time we bond our egos to one lens, and it often takes a major life shake-up to break that bond. Realistically speaking this OP is pretty much me stretching outside of my ego/preferred lens to glimpse another angle (and then returning to communicate it, trying not to let the 'normal' perspective get any words in.)