Sorry if this is hard to decipher, but for those who expected the restoration of this nation to be fast and easy, here is an overview from 1770 to 1783 of the battle for independence.
We didn’t even start “splitting” decisions with the British until 1779.
In short, Washington and company were beaten up and down the seaboard and the frontiers.
Until they weren’t. And what set them apart was diligence, perseverance, and commitment to mission.
I believe we will continue to "lose", overall, until the very day we start winning and winning big, just like the Continental Army. We'll see small pockets of justice being served, but nothing on the grand scale of things until The Great Awakening is ready to kick off in earnest. Very possible I can see this playing out until 2024. Things will get much worse until we are ready for the Precipice event.
Once the global financial system collapses and the dollar is truly dead, will be my marker for the runup to TGA/Precipice.
Sorry if this is hard to decipher, but for those who expected the restoration of this nation to be fast and easy, here is an overview from 1770 to 1783 of the battle for independence.
We didn’t even start “splitting” decisions with the British until 1779.
In short, Washington and company were beaten up and down the seaboard and the frontiers.
Until they weren’t. And what set them apart was diligence, perseverance, and commitment to mission.
They would have lost if they had social media.
I believe we will continue to "lose", overall, until the very day we start winning and winning big, just like the Continental Army. We'll see small pockets of justice being served, but nothing on the grand scale of things until The Great Awakening is ready to kick off in earnest. Very possible I can see this playing out until 2024. Things will get much worse until we are ready for the Precipice event.
Once the global financial system collapses and the dollar is truly dead, will be my marker for the runup to TGA/Precipice.
Taken from same TS post:
For those who asked for a typed up version of the time graph above:
3/5/1770: Boston Massacre
Next two years: growing mandates, control, tyranny, marginalization, labels, resentment
6/9/1772: HMS Gaspee torched in Rhode Island
5/10/1773: Tea Act signed
12/16/1773: Boston Tea Party
3-6/1774: Intolerable Acts passed by Parliament to further control colonies
9/1774: Colonists impose sanctions against Britain
2/9/1775: British blockade Massachusetts colony
4/19/1775: First shots of American Revolution
6/17/1775: Bunker Hill (Loss)
7/4/1776: Dec. of Independence signed
8/27/1776: Washington defeated at Long Island, nearly destroyed
10/1776: British achieve major military victories in NY
12/25/1776: Washington crosses Delaware and defeats British and Hessians
1777: British win 2/3 of all battles
Winter 1777-78: Washington camped at Valley Forge
1778: British win 4/5 of all battles
1779: British win only 50% of all battles
1780: British wearing down, back and forth battle results. Patriots lose SC but defend NC from invasion.
1781: Patriots winning key battles.
10/19/1781: General Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown.
1782: British wearing down from financial crisis, lack of support for overseas war (sound familiar?), domestic and continental issues.
12/27/1782: Last battle fought on US soil in Revolution.
9/3/1783: Treaty of Paris, US independence Recognized.
On the other timeline, beginning 11/3/2020:
11/4/2020 - present - FIX 2020 MOVEMENT
1/20/2021- present - growing mandates, control, tyranny, marginalization, labels, resentment
Fourth Turning.
I believe so too.