She shouldn't have to. She's a sitting SCOTUS justice. Threatening them is a direct violation of federal law. The Dept of Justice has a legal obligation to protect her. The local police also have such an obligation to provide protect when specific and credible threats are being made.
Right now, what we're watching is both local and federal police corruption. They're failing to enforce the law in direct violation of their oaths.
I am sorry, but starting to feel it is bullshit that politicians and even SC justices have better protection and stricter laws against threatening them than just the average citizen. I dont think they should be threatened but threats to them should not be taken any more, or less, serious than threats to us chattel.
She can afford to hire a couple of Marines to take out the trash if it shows it's criminal face.
She shouldn't have to. She's a sitting SCOTUS justice. Threatening them is a direct violation of federal law. The Dept of Justice has a legal obligation to protect her. The local police also have such an obligation to provide protect when specific and credible threats are being made.
Right now, what we're watching is both local and federal police corruption. They're failing to enforce the law in direct violation of their oaths.
I am sorry, but starting to feel it is bullshit that politicians and even SC justices have better protection and stricter laws against threatening them than just the average citizen. I dont think they should be threatened but threats to them should not be taken any more, or less, serious than threats to us chattel.