"The dearth of information on candidates is widespread."
You hit the nail on the head, fren. I always research candidates before I vote. In our recent election, however, I struggled to find information on the candidates. The usual places online that I go to had next to nothing on the candidates. There was one office where I could only find information on three candidates. I thought that was all there was. I was stunned when I got in the voting booth and saw something like 15 candidates and that I was supposed to vote for 5 men and 5 women. It became a guessing game at this point.
It should be a law that every candidate has to do a write-up on their positions and it should be publicly posted online and in the local newspapers, etc. I shouldn't have to guess. it's no wonder we end up with so many lousy politicians.
"The dearth of information on candidates is widespread."
You hit the nail on the head, fren. I always research candidates before I vote. In our recent election, however, I struggled to find information on the candidates. The usual places online that I go to had next to nothing on the candidates. There was one office where I could only find information on three candidates. I thought that was all there was. I was stunned when I got in the voting booth and saw something like 15 candidates and that I was supposed to vote for 5 men and 5 women. It became a guessing game at this point.
It should be a law that every candidate has to do a write-up on their positions and it should be publicly posted online and in the local newspapers, etc. I shouldn't have to guess. it's no wonder we end up with so many lousy politicians.