There are a lot of lies, for sure. I believe 'Covid' is real, it was played with in a lab, just think their timing was off with release. They 100% fuck with ALL the stats. I got covid Jan this year, not vaxxed. Total 'sick time' 1 1/2 days. headache ( like neuralgia sharp pains on one side of my head) and threw up. I know it was 'covid' because the next day headache was less but I started to lose my smell and taste. The day after, senses gone completely, but no other symptoms. I couldn't even smell vinegar! Got senses back completely two days later ( took Iver, D, C, Zinc, Quercetin) . I have never experienced anything like that before, very weird not having smell and taste AT ALL. I was however super fucking sick in Nov 2019, almost went to the hospital for breathing issues. Think that was the alpha, but before the covid hysteria and tests ( not that they work)
Yeah, donno why I feel the need to mention this but I hardly ever get sick and if I do, it doesn't last more than 2-3 days. So, in 2019, I was as sick as I had ever been in my life, for at least a solid week. I tried and couldn't easily cough up what was in my lungs. I remember I had hot showers through the day/night to try and break up the stuff in my lungs. I was terrified I was gonna make my baby sick, who was 6 months at the time. I took him into the doctors later because he developed lumps in his neck, which I thought were swollen lymph nodes but wanted to be sure. He was good.
There are a lot of lies, for sure. I believe 'Covid' is real, it was played with in a lab, just think their timing was off with release. They 100% fuck with ALL the stats. I got covid Jan this year, not vaxxed. Total 'sick time' 1 1/2 days. headache ( like neuralgia sharp pains on one side of my head) and threw up. I know it was 'covid' because the next day headache was less but I started to lose my smell and taste. The day after, senses gone completely, but no other symptoms. I couldn't even smell vinegar! Got senses back completely two days later ( took Iver, D, C, Zinc, Quercetin) . I have never experienced anything like that before, very weird not having smell and taste AT ALL. I was however super fucking sick in Nov 2019, almost went to the hospital for breathing issues. Think that was the alpha, but before the covid hysteria and tests ( not that they work)
Yeah, donno why I feel the need to mention this but I hardly ever get sick and if I do, it doesn't last more than 2-3 days. So, in 2019, I was as sick as I had ever been in my life, for at least a solid week. I tried and couldn't easily cough up what was in my lungs. I remember I had hot showers through the day/night to try and break up the stuff in my lungs. I was terrified I was gonna make my baby sick, who was 6 months at the time. I took him into the doctors later because he developed lumps in his neck, which I thought were swollen lymph nodes but wanted to be sure. He was good.