You don't need to read the article, honestly. You could read the headline, or -- if you're patient enough -- the first and second paragraph. The whole article isn't even bad; it points out liberal hypocrisy at it's finest: Plagiary for me but not for thee.
But it's important to see what the article is exposing: this is what they do. Leftists (marxists, communists, socialists -- but I digress) frequently plagiarize each other's work. It's a very marxists thing to do, and therefore 100% a-OK. It's especially wonderful if the original work was some bourgeois white guy and the plagiarizer is a fringe minority/queer/confused thing. Nothing to see here!
It's not OK if a Trump-er does it, even if it's not really plagiarism but simply bad academic practice. That's very very bad, and the individual should be put through the wringer. To be clear: I don't condone plagiarism and so-called academics have a duty to be careful in this regard. It's a sad reality that this is often not the case.
The article, in conclusion, identifies a problem in the History profession: a lot of plagiarism seems to be going on! But more so, it's overlooked among liberal circles. So, GAW audience, please be aware (as you no doubt already are) -- plagiarism is everywhere. It's not just in History (although it's quickly being rewritten), either, and this is on purpose.
Just so.
I doubt they'll be satisfied with a simple "they've won." They'll keep going until nothing remains.