This isn't surprising to me. This is part of the Great Awakening in my opinion. I believe a huge Trump ally is a CEO at one of the conglomerates that now owns CNN. They are slowly but surely cleaning house and I'm betting that over the next 5 years CNN becomes a reputable news outlet.
Think of how the lefty commies took over America - they started back in the 60's on their quest to control the media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. They couldn't implement their radical agenda overnight. It literally took decades but contrast where we are now with the 1950's - they were VERY successful.
Now, I believe the Q team is using their own gameplay against them. They are infiltrating CNN from the top down and slowly molding it into something better. I would bet similar plans are in place for the entertainment industry and educational system - the other 2 pillars that the commies identified as necessary for controlling a population. I think the whitehats are making the most progress in the media at the moment between CNN and Twitter (and Truth). Perhaps that is the spearhead of their attack. Will be interesting to watch it all unfold. Patience will be necessary as tides slowly change. I think the whitehats understand that infiltration is more effective than invasion. The sheep rail against Truth Social or OANN so why not take over their beloved CNN and Twitter and slowly reprogram them through those platforms instead?
This isn't surprising to me. This is part of the Great Awakening in my opinion. I believe a huge Trump ally is a CEO at one of the conglomerates that now owns CNN. They are slowly but surely cleaning house and I'm betting that over the next 5 years CNN becomes a reputable news outlet. Think of how the lefty commies took over America - they started back in the 60's on their quest to control the media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. They couldn't implement their radical agenda overnight. It literally took decades but contrast where we are now with the 1950's - they were VERY successful. Now, I believe the Q team is using their own gameplay against them. They are infiltrating CNN from the top down and slowly molding it into something better. I would bet similar plans are in place for the entertainment industry and educational system - the other 2 pillars that the commies identified as necessary for controlling a population. I think the whitehats are making the most progress in the media at the moment between CNN and Twitter (and Truth). Perhaps that is the spearhead of their attack. Will be interesting to watch it all unfold. Patience will be necessary as tides slowly change. I think the whitehats understand that infiltration is more effective than invasion. The sheep rail against Truth Social or OANN so why not take over their beloved CNN and Twitter and slowly reprogram them through those platforms instead?
I wonder if DJT is a silent investor.
I thought I read here that he has good sized chunks of AT&T, but I could be mistaken.
I think every massive criminal enterprise like them should be destroyed.