Does anybody here want to talk about what we THINK we know about agriculture and maybe what the Great Awakening COULD mean for food production in the future?
I believe the Great Awakening will apply to far more than politics and its nice to discuss other things from our unique perspective 🐸
I think we can all agree local food is better than not.
The permaculture/ regenerative agriculture people are taking "organic" to the next level... no chemicals (even certified organic ones) or inputs of any kind if they can help it. No grain for grass eating animals. That kind of thing. It's way better for the planet than "conventional agriculture."
But the pastured meat waa traditionally very expensive compared to the grocery store (feed-lot/ barn grain fed) meat.
Thanks to Q and Devolution the grocery store crap is getting so expensive you might as well by the grass fed stuff.
My family buys a lot of produce at local food auctions and process it for storage. It's not all garenteed organic but it's cheaper and still better than the grocery.