This is something most people are not aware of. This is why on rare occasions a private school will refuse any assistance from the government. Once you take a penny from them your ‘partnership’ begins and you no longer call the shots. Better to be poor and free than to be a slave.
My kids go to such a school. Federal subsidies and grants are like a witch handing out candy to the children. One should already know the witch hates children.
Good thing to always remember:
What the federal government finances, they control
This is something most people are not aware of. This is why on rare occasions a private school will refuse any assistance from the government. Once you take a penny from them your ‘partnership’ begins and you no longer call the shots. Better to be poor and free than to be a slave.
My kids go to such a school. Federal subsidies and grants are like a witch handing out candy to the children. One should already know the witch hates children.