While everyone is thinking this shot has the technology within it to make this a possibility. I would also like to tell people to look into "smart dust" it's basically nanotechnology that can be spread form a plane or drone and things like that. Chemtrails come to mind.
Anyways @EwillHelpyou on Tg had some info posted there. From what I gather once its in your body acts basically like an operating system that can report all your vitals information and can even receive signals to affect your thoughts/actions. Needless to say there is nothing good that can or will come from a technology such as this.
Also Fouchi said we were going to need new vaccine technology platforms to help fight covid and the technology he referred to was a nanotechnology
While everyone is thinking this shot has the technology within it to make this a possibility. I would also like to tell people to look into "smart dust" it's basically nanotechnology that can be spread form a plane or drone and things like that. Chemtrails come to mind.
Anyways @EwillHelpyou on Tg had some info posted there. From what I gather once its in your body acts basically like an operating system that can report all your vitals information and can even receive signals to affect your thoughts/actions. Needless to say there is nothing good that can or will come from a technology such as this.
Also Fouchi said we were going to need new vaccine technology platforms to help fight covid and the technology he referred to was a nanotechnology