Hey folks—-a non-religious person here. I’m a believer but not a devout follower of religion.
That’s my choice and my inclination— so no lectures please.
Anyway, I found my uncle’s bible study book in my car. I got it out today to return it to him and thought I’d page to Revelations to see what all the fuss is about.
I have a fresh perspective since I have no training or study in the subject and it seemed really obvious to me the Deep State is simulating the seven seals to scare people and make them compliant. From the false prophet to war to famine to death, to anarchy, seems like they’re checking off all of the boxes.
The nuclear revelation where the earth quakes and people hide in caves is a big question mark, but the Deep State can threaten it and weave it Into their narrative.
They want to be the SAVIORS at the end with their Great Reset.
Such a bunch of bull.
I remember seeing the UN article years ago, I think it was just before he finished his second term.