Maybe that was pretty good shooting by your standards. He was only about the length of a yard from them, and for me that is piss poor shooting. If I had been shooting at him from that distance there would be no need for cuffs so yeah they need some range work so the riff raff that shoots at cops doesn't get back on the streets.
I like the sheriff in Florida's answer to the reporters about people that shoot at cops. When they asked why he was shot so many times his reply was they ran out of bullets.
It is the internet, but I am that good. I have a gun in my hand since I was five (all kinds), and I've lived where I am fortunate enough to be able to shoot frequently. I have only met one cop in my life that I think truly could handle his weapon like a professional. If you can't handle it like a professional on the range you'll fall all to shit when the SHTF. That is exactly what happened to those two.
Only one of them was in the wreck, and they had two angles on him. Neither of those angels were 90 degrees, and it is not that hard to learn to lead if you have ever hunted moving game.
That's good to hear, but the fight he was putting up against being cuffed made it appear he wasn't critically wounded. I have heard drugged up perps can be hard to put down.
They need some range work. They missed a perfect opportunity to make his thug ass good permanently.
Maybe that was pretty good shooting by your standards. He was only about the length of a yard from them, and for me that is piss poor shooting. If I had been shooting at him from that distance there would be no need for cuffs so yeah they need some range work so the riff raff that shoots at cops doesn't get back on the streets.
I like the sheriff in Florida's answer to the reporters about people that shoot at cops. When they asked why he was shot so many times his reply was they ran out of bullets.
It is the internet, but I am that good. I have a gun in my hand since I was five (all kinds), and I've lived where I am fortunate enough to be able to shoot frequently. I have only met one cop in my life that I think truly could handle his weapon like a professional. If you can't handle it like a professional on the range you'll fall all to shit when the SHTF. That is exactly what happened to those two.
Only one of them was in the wreck, and they had two angles on him. Neither of those angels were 90 degrees, and it is not that hard to learn to lead if you have ever hunted moving game.
I read the perp was DOA at Ben Taub hospital. So I'm thinking their range work paid off well.
That's good to hear, but the fight he was putting up against being cuffed made it appear he wasn't critically wounded. I have heard drugged up perps can be hard to put down.
I was thinking he was likely on something. PCP maybe, just by how he was acting. Oh well, one less idiots out there.