He leads his children to Christ and is an example of a follower for his children. Everything else is secondary. If you fail at this you have failed as a father.
He protects his children from pedophiles, transtesticles and the like.
He doesn’t allow his children to take experimental poisons because he has discernment from The Holy Father.
He recognizes the failure of the state and the programmed indoctrination that is the public school system - therefore he homeschools his children and lives within a single income means even though it means going without the luxuries of a dual income family. He has prioritized his children over material wealth.
Excellent addition ArcaneSlang! Yes, if a father is a representation of Christ to the daughters they will seek men of similar character.
Our daughters are taught the importance of finding a Christian significant other, and now an unvaccinated one to boot! Life will be so much harder and potentially painful if they don’t. We want lots of grandchildren also.
A great family movie and one of enormous value in teaching families to prioritize is ‘Courageous’ by Sherwood Films. If you haven’t I highly suggest.
Amen! All of these qualities above but perhaps the first thing after a Godly life is marry a Godly woman to be the foundation of your family.
Always show love, respect and affection for your wife in front of your children! I cannot emphasize the importance of children seeing their Mother and Father hold hands and kiss.
Your sons will learn how to love and respect a woman and your daughters will know how they should be treated. Then hopefully each will choose worthy spouses according to their Father's example.
Raise your children up in the way they should go.
May God continue to bless and protect all the wonderful Patriot father's here on GA! 🙏
My advice as a dad. Don't ever let your daughter or son marry a liberal, which also most likely is non-Christian. It will ruin a lot of things
He leads his children to Christ and is an example of a follower for his children. Everything else is secondary. If you fail at this you have failed as a father.
He protects his children from pedophiles, transtesticles and the like.
He doesn’t allow his children to take experimental poisons because he has discernment from The Holy Father.
He recognizes the failure of the state and the programmed indoctrination that is the public school system - therefore he homeschools his children and lives within a single income means even though it means going without the luxuries of a dual income family. He has prioritized his children over material wealth.
Excellent addition ArcaneSlang! Yes, if a father is a representation of Christ to the daughters they will seek men of similar character.
Our daughters are taught the importance of finding a Christian significant other, and now an unvaccinated one to boot! Life will be so much harder and potentially painful if they don’t. We want lots of grandchildren also.
A great family movie and one of enormous value in teaching families to prioritize is ‘Courageous’ by Sherwood Films. If you haven’t I highly suggest.
Amen! All of these qualities above but perhaps the first thing after a Godly life is marry a Godly woman to be the foundation of your family.
Always show love, respect and affection for your wife in front of your children! I cannot emphasize the importance of children seeing their Mother and Father hold hands and kiss. Your sons will learn how to love and respect a woman and your daughters will know how they should be treated. Then hopefully each will choose worthy spouses according to their Father's example.
Raise your children up in the way they should go.
May God continue to bless and protect all the wonderful Patriot father's here on GA! 🙏
Word says not to be unequally yoked
Very good solid advice.