My earthly father died when I was 10, the last thing I said to him when I called him by name and didn't call him Dad was "I don't even know you"
He knew he was dying that week so he had us come visit, he called my mom crying about it and all she could say was "I warned you that would happen when you said you didn't want a family anymore, because you were dying and wanted to spend your last year's free".
If he had just spent some time with us, it would have meant everything. He did say he loved us but that is not enough.
My earthly father died when I was 10, the last thing I said to him when I called him by name and didn't call him Dad was "I don't even know you" He knew he was dying that week so he had us come visit, he called my mom crying about it and all she could say was "I warned you that would happen when you said you didn't want a family anymore, because you were dying and wanted to spend your last year's free". If he had just spent some time with us, it would have meant everything. He did say he loved us but that is not enough.