Magnetic snake venom nanowire amoebas. I think all of that is to poison the waters and distract from what it really has:
Fact: It alters DNA.
Fact: It contains graphene oxide.
Fact: It suppresses the immune system.
The DNA altering and the immune system suppressing may be related for the same goal. Current graphene oxide research is all centered around storing energy, like a battery. We know they want to implant microchips into everyone as their end game. To do that, they'd need to rig you up with a power supply and weaken your immune system in some way so it won't reject the implant.
It seems like the vaccine is just preparation for the chip. Coincidentally, there is a mysterious chip shortage happening right now, which could likely be due to billions of implantable chips being manufactured to implant into people. This seems far more likely that it being snake venom.
Magnetic snake venom nanowire amoebas. I think all of that is to poison the waters and distract from what it really has:
Fact: It alters DNA. Fact: It contains graphene oxide. Fact: It suppresses the immune system.
The DNA altering and the immune system suppressing may be related for the same goal. Current graphene oxide research is all centered around storing energy, like a battery. We know they want to implant microchips into everyone as their end game. To do that, they'd need to rig you up with a power supply and weaken your immune system in some way so it won't reject the implant.
It seems like the vaccine is just preparation for the chip. Coincidentally, there is a mysterious chip shortage happening right now, which could likely be due to billions of implantable chips being manufactured to implant into people. This seems far more likely that it being snake venom.