CPS is crap and the local cops won't help and the judge won't even let them say they want to live with mom. Parent on drugs. Alleged Physical altercations with the teenage kids. Corrupt shit everywhere. Anyone know of help outside of CPS or a fucking cult? The system really is designed against kids. No help so far and the system is fucking the kids, yet they don't want to be taken and then trafficked next by the system. CPS has a reputation for losing kids in Florida.
Central Florida near Gainesville. Any resources greatly appreciated.
Guardian at litem. They work in the system against the state and represent the child
The judge denied one. Said it cost too much. You can't even make this shit up.
!! How did she arrive at that conclusion? By weighing it against your income? If not, it seems you could demonstrate your financial solution.
Leftist judge, I'd imagine. Gainesville is a cesspool.