I'm starting to get a bit impatient. These people are out of their minds if they really think the American people are just going to let 2020 "blow over"...
Right like even 1 state would give me some confidence in the plan but right now even though I'm not dooming yet I do wonder if there is some truth to the fact that Trump got a lot of really shitty advice from backstabbing lawyers and they are winging it. It's possible that some of the plan is in place and some failed....we know from Q posts they didn't always have 100% success rate
That's in the back of my mind too. But I have come to the point where I believe, that there is going to be a hard fall either way. I'm just hoping there really won't be a civil war up in this country. There's really no reason for it in my opinion.
I'm starting to get a bit impatient. These people are out of their minds if they really think the American people are just going to let 2020 "blow over"...
Not happening.
No more sweeping under rugs.
Right like even 1 state would give me some confidence in the plan but right now even though I'm not dooming yet I do wonder if there is some truth to the fact that Trump got a lot of really shitty advice from backstabbing lawyers and they are winging it. It's possible that some of the plan is in place and some failed....we know from Q posts they didn't always have 100% success rate
That's in the back of my mind too. But I have come to the point where I believe, that there is going to be a hard fall either way. I'm just hoping there really won't be a civil war up in this country. There's really no reason for it in my opinion.