I agree. The government took our nation's patience and understanding, and willingness to come together for each other, and absolutely destroyed all of it with their cabal covid narrative.
Things that have lost all credibility to me and that will never be restored:
Doctors care about their patients.
The government will look out for our nation's best interest.
Churches will place FAITH above FEAR and stand their ground when challenged.
Elections are basically fair and sometimes my preferred candidate just doesn't win. Better luck next election.
Most people will stand up for their constitutional rights and stand their ground when challenged. (this one is teetering like never before)
All of these things, and more, have been obliterated and will likely never return in my lifetime.
How bout no emergency situations?
I agree. The government took our nation's patience and understanding, and willingness to come together for each other, and absolutely destroyed all of it with their cabal covid narrative.
Things that have lost all credibility to me and that will never be restored:
All of these things, and more, have been obliterated and will likely never return in my lifetime.